Customer Case: ARB ARENDAL Aligns its Strategic Plan with its Operative Processes Using QPR Metrics and QPR ProcessDesigner

ARB ARENDAL is a Mexican company founded in 1997, formed by Mexican company ARENDAL and American company ARB. ARB ARENDAL specializes in constructing pipelines and related facilities, water and wastewater treatment plants, power plants, and compressor stations. It provides a wide range of engineering, construction, fabrication, maintenance, and replacement services to significant energy, petrochemical, refining, and mining companies, developers, utilities, public agencies, and other customers. ARB ARENDAL has 2,000 employees and is based in Monterrey, Mexico.

Strategy and quality management in the construction industry.

Methodology frameworks used:

  • Strategy management (Balanced Scorecard)
  • Quality management (ISO 9000)


QPR Products used:

  • QPR Metrics
  • QPR ProcessDesigner
After one year of usage and development of its QPR management suite, ARB ARENDAL has managed to align all work teams’ efforts, make better decisions thanks to the information available and identify the existing bottlenecks in each project in order to erase them accordingly.

The division of Operations, led by Jesús García Pons, was in the need of an integrated tool that would be focused on strategic planning and Balanced Scorecard and would meet the functionality requirements set by the Balanced Scorecard Collaborative (a Palladium Company) while allowing ARB ARENDAL to measure and follow the various indicators of his projects spread throughout a large geographic area.

“Our Management Team can now make better-informed decisions by accessing all information related to our construction sites when needed through QPR Metrics.”

Jesús García Pons, Operations Director, ARB ARENDAL

QPR Metrics: aligning the Strategic Plan

The system has been designed so that ARB ARENDAL has one scorecard per construction site, all of them running on QPR Metrics. On a regular basis and determined by the nature of each indicator, each project manager feeds the data remotely, and by using the web-browser QPR Portal, the management team is able to make better-informed decisions by having access to last-minute information when needed.

Quick implementation

The first step for ARB ARENDAL was to define the strategy based on the Balanced Scorecard methodology.

Perspectives, strategic targets, and indicators were defined to build the first scorecard. This was all based on one of the projects ARB ARENDAL was working on at that time, the Burgos Project. This allowed them to understand the potential of the Balanced Scorecard methodology and QPR Metrics.

In only 40 days ARB ARENDAL implemented the tool and configured each of the perspectives, strategic targets, and indicators, as well as alerts and responsibilities. After that, the management team and employees responsible for the different scorecards were trained.

This first model was then replicated and improved, to be used in other projects, and as the number of scorecards increased, it was decided to develop the corporate model which implied creating more hierarchies, advanced consolidating functions, personalized periods, three-generation graphs, and forecast calculations. The number of users had to be increased as well, using one of the benefits of QPR Metrics: scalability.

Additionally to this ARB ARENDAL implemented QPR ProcessDesigner, the process management tool provided by QPR, to its processes and certified ISO systems.

Using QPR ProcessDesigner ARB ARENDAL can streamline their operations to improve productivity, customer satisfaction, reduce costs and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

Quick implementation

The first step for ARB ARENDAL was to define the strategy based on the Balanced Scorecard methodology.

Perspectives, strategic targets, and indicators were defined to build the first scorecard. This was all based on one of the projects ARB ARENDAL was working on at that time, the Burgos Project. This allowed them to understand the potential of the Balanced Scorecard methodology and QPR Metrics.

In only 40 days ARB ARENDAL implemented the tool and configured each of the perspectives, strategic targets, and indicators, as well as alerts and responsibilities. After that, the management team and employees responsible for the different scorecards were trained.

This first model was then replicated and improved, to be used in other projects, and as the number of scorecards increased, it was decided to develop the corporate model which implied creating more hierarchies, advanced consolidating functions, personalized periods, three-generation graphs, and forecast calculations. The number of users had to be increased as well, using one of the benefits of QPR Metrics: scalability.

Additionally to this ARB ARENDAL implemented QPR ProcessDesigner, the process management tool provided by QPR, to its processes and certified ISO systems.

Using QPR ProcessDesigner ARB ARENDAL can streamline their operations to improve productivity, customer satisfaction, reduce costs and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

Aligned efforts towards common goals

After a year of usage and development of the system, ARB ARENDAL has managed to align all work teams’ efforts, make better decisions thanks to the information available and identify the existing bottlenecks in each project to erase them accordingly.

QPR Metrics allows ARB ARENDAL‘s employees to easily access all information and thus see everybody’s impact on results, leading to increased commitment and motivation.

QPR Software´s robust management tools

The fact that QPR is a certified tool by Balanced Scorecard Collaborative and possesses features like easy maintenance and quick implementation made it easy for ARB ARENDAL to choose QPR Software’s products, acquired through BIQ, a QPR partner in Mexico.

Another reason for ARB ARENDAL to choose QPR where the fast learning curve, since QPR Metrics is a very intuitive and easy-to-use software product, with scalability, and multi-user functionalities.

QPR Software is considered a leading strategic planning and process software producer, fulfilling functional and technical standards with all its products.

Future Actions: reaching strastrategic goals by linking metrics and processes

ARB ARENDAL has started using QPR ProcessDesigner recently and is integrating QPR ProcessDesigner with the company’s current scorecard in order to link its processes to indicators.

By linking QPR Metrics and QPR ProcessDesigner organizations can have a direct connection between actual performance metrics and business processes in order to monitor and improve progress towards reaching the strategic goals.

Get a quick overview so you can spend your time improving your processes.

You can easily define and set up processes according to your own needs using a convenient layout tool. In addition, since all types of workflow processes can be managed, you get all case management in one single system. 

Analyses, statistics and reports give you an unbeatable overview with real-time status and division of responsibility. Nothing has to fall through the cracks anymore and you always have an accurate and up-to-date base for decision-making.

CANEA Process is a tool that allows you to model and share business processes in an easy-to-use graphical web interface.

Seeing is understanding

Visualisation gives all employees an understanding of the organisation’s processes, activities, responsibilities and information flows.

Living processes

Identifying working methods while making it easy to update is the basis for continuous improvement of processes.

Create a complete picture

Linking together documents, information and tools with clickable process maps create an intuitive and comprehensive management system.

CANEA Workflow is an IT solution that automates, quality-assures and speeds up administrative workflow processes.

You can easily define and set up processes according to your own needs using a convenient layout tool. In addition, since all types of workflow processes can be managed, you get all case management in one single system. 

Analyses, statistics and reports give you an unbeatable overview with real-time status and division of responsibility. Nothing has to fall through the cracks anymore and you always have an accurate and up-to-date base for decision-making.

By creating executable processes in CANEA Workflow, you get both better control of the situation and smoother processing.

Streamlining the work

Ensure compliance and that handovers are done correctly and with the right information.

Correct decision support

You get an unbeatable overview of the processes in real time, with both clear reports and clear diagrams.

Improve processes continuously

Our process support can be constantly adapted to changing needs and requirements. In this way, we give you the best possible conditions for your daily work.

A document management system without complicated folder structures.

CANEA Document combines simple and intuitive search features with powerful features for managing documents from a life cycle perspective.

Maximum availability
Search and find information quickly based on what you need, not where it is stored.

High security
Ensure accuracy, changes and access to all information – with high traceability.

Fulfils requirements
Manage information according to standards, legislation and other requirements for document management.

CANEA Document supports everything from production, publication and modification to archiving and deletion – with full traceability and version management.

CANEA Document provides secure management of all types of documents – in one place. Tagging the information with metadata creates a virtual, multidimensional folder structure. This means that a document appears in multiple locations at the same time, with authorisation-controlled access. The right information in the right place for the right users at the right time!

You can usefully add your company’s process-oriented management system to CANEA Document. All production and distribution of documents is quality-assured and streamlined. In addition, your employees always have access to the most up-to-date version of the documents – directly via intranet, tablets and mobile phones.

Improve the performance of your project activities

CANEA Project is a comprehensive project tool with integrated support for all types of projects and parties– such as management, resource owners, clients, project managers and project participants. CANEA Project gives you an excellent overview of your entire project portfolio, including profitability and status, making it easier to prioritize and make decisions.

CANEA Project shares all important project information with both internal and external members.

Let your project manager focus on management rather than administration and distribution of the information.

Gather all project information in one place and make it available to both internal and external members.

Helps you with prioritization of projects, resource management and analysis of portfolios and programs.

Make reality of the strategy

CANEA Strategy makes it possible for organisations of all sizes to create a unique common thread from the strategic work to the daily operations. We do not just provide performance management tools but rather a completely new generation of IT support for strategy activation. The system guarantees and provides support throughout the chain from strategy to execution. You get no results without action. CANEA Strategy makes it possible in practise! 

CANEA Strategy ensures and provides support throughout the entire journey from strategy to execution.

Create a shared understanding of the strategy, the goal to achieve and how.

Gives management an unbeatable overview of what’s happening, how it’s progressing, and why.

Creates a clear common thread from the strategy to project, initiatives and actions.