Project Model Support
Viewing and managing any project model or process, including associated templates and gatekeeper functionality
Resource Management
Plan roles and individuals as resources in projects. Monitor the available time per resource, project and activity on an overall level.
Project Planning
Plan activities, time, resources and costs. Edit Gantt charts and WBS charts with drag-and-drop technology. Support for baselines and versioning.
Document Management
Support for managing all project documentation, including versioning and permission control. Save e-mail directly to projects in the tool.
Social Stream
Social functionality for collaboration. Shows updates, comments and information flow.
Time Reporting
Reporting time per day, project and activity. Get control of the status and progress of activities.
Communication Tool
Desktop sharing, sending files and instant messages to team members.
Lessons Learned
Create and use template projects and benefit from the experience of previous projects.
Status Reporting
Create progress reports with traffic lights, for example, time, cost and scope including comments. Support for EVM indicators.
Project Economy
Costing and budgeting various project costs and resources. Manage and track the actuals and prognosis. Integrate with ERP.
Portfolio Management
Linking project portfolios and programs and providing an overview of the status and budget on an aggregate level. Support for prioritization of projects.
CANEA Project integrates with SharePoint out-of-the-box. Enables viewing and searching of projects and activities directly from the SharePoint interface.