Is your organisation looking for a system to centralise vital content and information? There are many content management systems and solutions available on the market, some of which can be extensively customised. Choosing the right solution for your business should be assessed and planned with caution in order to keep your solution as scalable and sustainable as possible.
A Knowledge Management Solution should consist of five major essential functions to provide a simple and user-friendly interface:
A KM System should be able to logically structure and manage searches for information from ONE access point.
Ad advanced search engine that is powerful enough to locate the correct information easily and efficiently.
Your KM System should be able to create and manage content through a workflow process whether it’s referenced from internally or externally.
A sustainable KM system should be able to send notifications to its users together with a trail to identify who has read the information
Lastly, a reporting function will help you understand your knowledge base use and monitor user’s behaviour. This will empower you to identify gaps within your knowledge base.
A knowledge management system may be the answer to break new ground in your customer service delivery and future business growth. Learn more about our knowledge management solution or contact us to discuss the way forward: