A common need in contact centre operations that focus on providing detailed information and advice is READY ACCESS to the organisations knowledge base. However information being created and stored in many different formats make this challenging.
“Empowering the advisers with the information they need is core to the implementation”
Leverage of existing information was possible through KPS – knowledge management software’s ability to index multiple formats of content such as websites, office and PDF documents held on file shares, in addition to in house SharePoint repositories. This meant that all existing information could easily be leveraged, with minimal set up time.
To learn more about how we helped a public advice contact centre improving access to its knowledge base, download our case study:
Accessing Content without Re-purposing or Reformatting
Longer documents did not require any rework as Universal Knowledge presents the best matching sections or ‘fragments’ of each document at the point of search, again significantly reducing deployment time. Using features of Universal Knowledge content was indexed and organised in ways that allows segments and paragraphs from longer documents to be presented individually.
More than a Search Tool
Not only would Universal Knowledge be able to search a wide variety of information sources, it also proved invaluable in the automatic ‘push’ of important information. The nature of the services delivered means constant evolving information needs to be made available to the advisers, as soon as possible.
Universal Knowledge’s ‘Hot Topics’ and ‘Required Reading’ features means that advisers are notified when new guidance is available. They can select a link to this information directly from their search homepage in addition to finding it by asking the system a question.
Ease of Use
With varying degrees of I.T. proficiency, it was also important that the knowledge tool was simple to use and required minimal training. Users of the system were quickly remarking on how easy it was to use and new advisers who came on board were able to quickly provide the required levels of service. Feedback from users included:
“I find the KPS solution user friendly and the layout is very clear, not confusing”
“The KPS product is an incredibly useful tool, it helps me provide accurate information quickly which adds confidence to my call handling”
Styling of both the user interface and the content to match the required colours/ logos and presentation styles was also quickly achieved, through the use of style sheets and templates. Presenting the advisers with a simple and familiar interface was key to user adoption. With less than 10 days the project went live.
For the full case study, contact us: