In our day to day lives we use the term “knowledge”. However sometimes we mean “know-how” and other times we are talking about “wisdom”. These terms could also be used when referring to Information, as Knowledge, Data and Information have a correlated relationship.
Within the technological and information-system orientations knowledge and information are used to describe a similar concept as, both concepts are seen as something that you can transmit or codify. Transmit basically just means you receive information, and you can break it down and only identify or use that which is valuable or useful to you. IT is used as a transport vehicle for knowledge-based content, Knowledge can be described as “information that purpose or use”.
The concepts can be simplified into levels in the following way:
Level 1: Data is the rawest form, it’s a collection of facts, numbers, and figures.
Level 2: Information is seen as structured/ organised data. (Davenport & Prusak 2000)
Level 3: Knowledge is defined as “information about Information.
Each concept relies on each other, you need raw data that contains facts and figures that will then be contextualise, structured or organised to give you information. Once you have Information, you will use your experience and know-how to contextualise the information. You as the user add the value to data and use it to best benefit your cause or research.
Once you understand what Knowledge, Information and Data is, you can explore the various ways of collecting, sharing, accessing, and combining knowledge to the most effective way possible. The more effective your organisation share and manage its information and data, the bigger the benefit for your employees, customers and the future of your business.
Our team of experts can help you to implement a Knowledge Management Systems based on your need and requirements. For more information about RQ-Tech and our products go to: